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Calling all Business Owners/ Leaders!

The chamber would like to help share real stories of our members. We've started an interview-style podcast, first broadcasted on The Pulse Online Radio and then added to Apple Podcast and Spotify, where member business owners or leaders share true stories of challenges, trials, and triumphs (see list of example questions). Our goal is to help you connect with customers and patrons in a new and genuine way.

Question Examples

1. Can you share a challenging moment or trial that you faced while building your business and how you overcame it?

2. What were some unexpected obstacles or setbacks you encountered along the way, and how did you navigate through them?

3. Can you describe a specific triumph or success story that stands out to you in your entrepreneurial journey?

4. What were the key strategies or decisions that contributed to your business's growth and success?

5. Have there been any pivotal moments or turning points that significantly influenced the direction or trajectory of your business? If so, can you elaborate on them?

6. How have you managed to stay resilient and motivated during difficult times or periods of uncertainty?

7. Have you experienced any major failures or mistakes that taught you valuable lessons? How did you bounce back from those experiences?

8. Can you share an example of a time when you had to take a calculated risk in your business, and how it paid off?

9. What role did innovation and adaptation play in your business's growth and longevity? Can you provide any specific examples?

10. How do you approach competition in your industry, and how has it shaped your business strategy?

11. Can you discuss any significant changes or evolutions that you've witnessed in your industry over the years, and how you've adapted to them?

12. How important is building a strong team and company culture to the overall success of your business? Any advice for entrepreneurs on fostering a positive work environment?

13. Have there been any breakthrough moments or achievements that made you realize your business was truly thriving or making a difference?

14. What role has networking and building relationships played in your entrepreneurial journey? Any tips for entrepreneurs on cultivating meaningful connections?

15. Can you share a personal story of a customer or client experience that made a lasting impact on you and your business?

16. How do you approach failure and setbacks? What mindset or approach do you adopt to bounce back and keep moving forward?

17. Have you encountered any unique or unexpected opportunities that opened up new avenues for growth or expansion in your business?

18. How do you balance innovation and risk-taking with maintaining stability and consistency in your business operations?

Let us know if you want to participate!

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